Injury Prevention,
Lower Body,
Physical Therapy,
Ankle mobility is, without a doubt, the most commonly found mobility limitation I see in the fitness athletes that I work with, whether that is the weekend warrior or elite Olympic weightlifter. Restricted ankle mobility can significantly alter movement patterns. It will make obtaining full depth squats very difficult, and has been associated with a variety of injuries. Fixing stiff ankles...
Injury Prevention,
Lower Body,
Is Knee Valgus Always Bad in Weight Lifting?
The debate around knee valgus in lifting remains hot with frequent social media fights erupting when an athlete’s form is criticized. I ask that anyone wanting to discuss this with me in social media comments or emailing me please read this article in its entirety. When I first wrote this article, I sat on it for a while before publishing....
Injury Prevention,
Lower Body,
Physical Therapy,
Fixing Hip Pain During Squats
The squat is the king of all exercises, unrivaled in its ability to build explosive hip strength, power, and develop athletes. But many athletes develop hip pain during squats making performing them near impossible. And when they seek treatment for this, they’re commonly met by medical professionals who don’t understand squat mechanics and waste time on treatments to address hip...
Injury Prevention,
Lower Body,
Physical Therapy,
Upper Body,
Eccentric Isometrics for Mobility and Strength
Eccentric Isometrics might be the best technique you haven’t heard of in the strength & conditioning world. They also have a great role in rehab as well. Learn how they can be used to improve your movement, strength, and hypertrophy. I learned of eccentric isometrics and immediately began implementing them into my programming – and knew right away that eccentric isometrics...
Injury Prevention,
Lower Body,
Physical Therapy,
Your Don’t Have Tight Hip Flexors – A better fix
Your Don’t Have Tight Hip Flexors More than any other area in the body, athletes regularly tell me that they have tight hip flexors or pain in their hip flexors. Commonly this has been something they’ve self-diagnosed after watching a youtube video or reading a blog. Or maybe they’ve had a physical therapist, chiropractor, or massage therapist diagnose tight hip...
Injury Prevention,
Lower Body,
Physical Therapy,
Top Glute Strength Exercises
Sub-optimal glute strength is one of the most common faults I see in athletes. This can lead to a host of injuries as well as decreased performance. We’ve previously discussed using the push press as a test of the hip (glute) versus knee dominance in athletes. Analyzing an athlete’s movement while doing high rep push press’s will show their default...
Injury Prevention,
Lower Body,
Physical Therapy,
The Truth About Squat Depth, Injury Rates & Knees Out Cue
The Truth About Squat Depth Here’s what you need to know Simply said, our Western society has lost the ability to squat. And no, just because you participate in CrossFit doesn’t leave you exempt from this list. You are just as, if not more, likely to be injured during squat emphasized movement than nearly any other athlete. It’s generally accepted that knee...
Lower Body,
Physical Therapy,
Quadriceps Inhibition and TENS Post Knee Surgery
Quad Inhibition Post Knee Surgery Over the past two months, I’ve used TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) more than I ever have and with great results. Normally, TENS is rarely used by me in treatment plans and only saved for those in severe pain needing a temporary “break”. Lately, though, TENS has been an invaluable tool in improving quadriceps inhibition after knee...
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