Lower Body,
Physical Therapy,
The Best Jefferson Curl Variations Learn about the different variations of the Jefferson curl exercise and their benefits in this video from Dr. Zach Long. These Jefferson Curl variations are great for improving spinal flexion stiffness and for rebuilding strength & control for individuals rehabbing flexion-intolerant low back pain. Standard Jefferson Curl The Standard Jefferson Curl exercise is a powerful...
Equipment Reviews,
Physical Therapy,
Titan Back Hyperextension V2 Review
Review of Titan Fitness Back Hyperextension Machine Shopping for a back extension machine? In this video, I will share my experience using the Titan back hyperextension V2 machine in my physical therapy clinic. Titan Hyperextension Affiliate Link: Titan Back Hyperextension Assembly and Portability Having utilized the Titan Fitness back hyperextension machine in my physical therapy clinic for the past...
Injury Prevention,
Lower Body,
Physical Therapy,
Addressing Knee Valgus in Squats
Knee valgus collapse is a common issue in squats that can lead to injuries and pain. In this video, Dr. Zach Long will discuss the causes of knee valgus with squats and solutions for this problem. Understanding Knee Valgus Collapse Knee valgus collapse is a common issue that many individuals experience, especially during squats. This movement pattern, where the knees...
Equipment Reviews,
Physical Therapy,
Choosing the Best Blood Flow Restriction Device
Blood flow restriction (BFR) is a technique used in strength & conditioning and rehab to achieve performance benefits at low loads or intensities of exercise. In this video, we will discuss the criteria for choosing the best BFR device and recommend some top options. Related Articles: The Science of BFR Training Application of BFR Is BFR Safe? Criteria for Choosing...
Injury Prevention,
Lower Body,
Physical Therapy,
Fix Back Pain with Deadlifts
The deadlift is one of the best exercises for improving whole-body strength. Hamstrings, glutes, spinal erectors, traps, and grip strength all in one! But for many athletes, every deadlift workout leaves them with an aching back or, worse, makes them avoid the movement altogether. This video will cover the most common technique issues to address if you are trying to...
Physical Therapy,
Best Exercises With a Disc Herniation
I get this question a LOT! Having back pain and getting an MRI that finds a disc herniation can be a frightening experience. And not a day goes by that I don’t answer the question of, “is it safe for me to do X exercise with a disc herniation?” Or, “what are the best exercises with a disc herniation?” The...
Injury Prevention,
Lower Body,
Physical Therapy,
Best Exercises to Improve Hip Mobility for Squats
Improving your mobility can often be the answer you need if you struggle with your squat depth or with pain during squats. This article will cover the best exercises to improve hip mobility for squats. The first step in any mobility routine is to identify the areas you need to focus your mobility work. For that, access our free ULTIMATE...
Physical Therapy,
Best Rotator Cuff Strength Exercises
The shoulder is the most commonly injured area of the body for fitness athletes. Whether rehabbing from an injury or trying to keep your shoulders healthy and avoid one, increasing rotator cuff strength should be a priority in your training. Rotator Cuff Injuries 101 The rotator cuff comprises four muscles: the supraspinatus, subscapularis, infraspinatus, and teres minor. While each produces...
Injury Prevention,
Physical Therapy,
Best Lower Back Prehab Exercises
The lower back is one of the most injured area of the body in fitness athletes. If you’re tired of back tweaks, or simply want to get ahead of them in the first place, then the following video will show you three of the best lower back prehab exercises. For a proven back strength & prehab accessory plan, check out...
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