Featured image for “5 Keys to Returning to Kipping Pull-Ups Postpartum”
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5 Keys to Returning to Kipping Pull-Ups Postpartum

There isn’t a ton of information on the internet about how exactly to return to kipping pull-ups postpartum. There’s even less when we talk about other gymnastics movements such as toes to bar and handstand work. And of the information available, it is often put out by athletes that have had their first child and instantly consider themselves a postpartum...
Featured image for “Returning to Toes to Bar Postpartum”
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Returning to Toes to Bar Postpartum

Returning to CrossFit gymnastics movements postpartum can be a challenging process for many new moms. Of all the movements CrossFit athletes perform, returning to toes to bar postpartum is probably the most difficult to get back. If you have been looking for help returning to toes to bar postpartum you have probably already seen there isn’t a lot of information...
Featured image for “The Best Low Back Strength Exercises”
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The Best Low Back Strength Exercises

Whether your goal is to PR your squat and deadlift, or to simply finally get long-lasting relief from low back pain, strengthening the muscles of your lower back is important. While I believe firmly that the deadlift is the best exercise you can do to strengthen your lower back, there is a lot of value in having other exercises to...
Featured image for “The Best Banded Hip Mobilizations for Improved Hip Mobility & Performance”
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The Best Banded Hip Mobilizations for Improved Hip Mobility & Performance

If you are looking to improve your hip mobility for improved performance or less pain, then using different banded hip mobilization techniques can be incredibly helpful. There are a number of different ways we can set a band up to help with opening up different directions of motion. Choosing the best mobilization for your specific needs is key to seeing...
Featured image for “Blood Flow Restriction Training for Athletes”
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Blood Flow Restriction Training for Athletes

Blood Flow Restriction Training Authors: Nicholas M. Licameli (@nicklicameli), DPT & Nicholas Rolnick, DPT (@thehpm) – The BFR PROS (@thebfrpros) If you’ve landed on this page, you’ve likely already read about how blood flow restriction (BFR) is rapidly growing into the mainstream as both a fitness and rehabilitation tool to accelerate performance & recovery. If not, we encourage you to...
Featured image for “The Ultimate Guide to Returning to Fitness Postpartum ”
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The Ultimate Guide to Returning to Fitness Postpartum 

I’m excited to have postpartum fitness specialist Christina Prevett MScPT, Ph.D. (c ) discuss the important topics you need to know prior to returning to fitness postpartum! Christina also runs TheBarbellMamas, which gives amazing training plans to pregnant and postpartum women! You are a Crossfitter. It’s what you love to do. You live and breathe the sport. When you get...
Featured image for “Fixing The Squat Butt Wink”
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Fixing The Squat Butt Wink

The squat butt wink is one of the most well known of all squat movement faults. If you haven’t heard of butt wink before, it is the term used to describe the excessive rounding of the lower back as an athlete drops down into the bottom of the squat. This puts the body in a sub-optimal position for developing and...
Featured image for “The Best Exercises for Fitness Athlete Shoulder Pain”
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The Best Exercises for Fitness Athlete Shoulder Pain

In my last article, I discussed what I believe to be the six most common causes of shoulder pain in CrossFit. To review, usually, shoulder pain results from doing too much volume or too high of skills for what that athlete is prepared for. As a result, the soft tissues of the shoulder get overloaded and become irritated. The following...
Featured image for “The Most Common Causes of Shoulder Injuries in the Fitness Athlete”
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The Most Common Causes of Shoulder Injuries in the Fitness Athlete

With any form of intense training, the occasional injury happens. CrossFit is no exception to this. While research has repeatedly shown that CrossFit injury rates are not higher than other forms of recreational fitness activities, we have seen multiple studies agree that the shoulder is the most commonly injured area. If you are dealing with shoulder pain, understanding the most common causes of CrossFit...

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