Injury Prevention,
Upper Body,
Thoracic spine mobility is crucial to overhead lifting and mobility and one of the most commonly limited areas in the fitness athletes that I work with. Here are my favorite drills to improve the mobility of the upper back. For a done-for-you thoracic mobility program, check out our Thoracic Mobility Overhaul program that has helped hundreds of athletes unlock their mobility!...
Injury Prevention,
Lower Body,
Physical Therapy,
Upper Body,
Suck Less at Foam Rolling
You’ve probably heard other athletes attempting to “break up adhesions” or “realign fascia” in the name of self-care and recovery. There’s no doubt that foam roller and lacrosse ball sales have skyrocketed now more than ever. However, what if we told you that you’re foam rolling for all the wrong reasons? What if you’re not actually optimizing your performance with...
Injury Prevention,
Lower Body,
Physical Therapy,
The 8 Best Drills To Unlock Your Hip Mobility
Hip mobility is crucial to the fitness athlete wanting to perform optimally. When working on mobility, we want long-standing improvements in hip joint mobility that also translates to improved performance. And that’s exactly what you’ll get with these eight hip mobility drills. If you want a done-for-you hip mobility program, check out our HIP MOBILITY OVERHAUL. This is a four-day...
Injury Prevention,
Physical Therapy,
Upper Body,
The 8 Best Drills to Unlock Your Shoulder Mobility
achieving a solid overhead position won’t be possible making overhead pressing, snatches, overhead squats, and efficiency suffer. Far too often, athletes waste time foam rolling and performing band distraction drills that only temporarily improve their range of motion. Then the next day they must repeat the process again, never seeing the long term improvements they want in their performance. The...
Injury Prevention,
Upper Body,
How to Fix Your Front Rack
The front rack can be a very challenging position for many athletes to get into. And without a solid front rack, the Olympics lifts, front squats, and even overhead pressing become significantly harder to perform. Then, with repeated workouts involving those movements, pain begins to creep in making the rack position even more difficult. Quite often pain begins in an...
Injury Prevention,
Top Five Moves to Improve Core Strength For Weightlifting
In all athletics core strength is necessary for optimal sports performance. Olympic weightlifting is no exception, especially when hundreds of pounds are rapidly lifted and even elite athletes frequently catch the barbell out of position. The following exercises are my favorite to build core strength for Olympic weightlifters. With Olympic weightlifters, we want to strengthen the body’s ability to maintain...
Injury Prevention,
Lower Body,
Stop Destroying Your Hips with Bad Squats!
I’ve seen too many patients come to my physical therapy clinic with hip pain secondary to poor advice given by mistaken trainers & therapists. While this has not been done purposely, there are several concepts that every trainer needs to know when it comes to the squat. And failure to recognize these concepts puts your athletes at risk for injury...
Upper Body,
Scaling The Pull-Up
The best fitness professionals have a plethora of exercises they can pull out at a moment’s notice to scale a movement based on a client or athlete’s needs. Unfortunately, far too often, we see programming without sufficient scaling options to ensure safe and effective workouts for all gym members. Join Dr. Zach Long (The Barbell Physio) and Dr. Andrew Millett...
Upper Body,
Scaling the Overhead Press
The best fitness professionals have a plethora of exercises they can pull out at a moment’s notice to scale a movement based on a client or athlete’s needs. Unfortunately, far too often, we see programming without sufficient scaling options to ensure safe and effective workouts for all gym members. Join Dr. Zach Long (The Barbell Physio) and Dr. Andrew Millett...
Blog (100)
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Physical Therapy (98)
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Upper Body (77)