Featured image for “Hanging Band Technique for Serious Shoulder Stability”
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 Upper Body

Hanging Band Technique for Serious Shoulder Stability

Hanging Band Technique for Shoulder Stability The use of hanging band technique for shoulder rehab and performance gains has become very popular on my various social media accounts, and for a good reason….this training tool works! While I’ve used this throughout the body, I’ve found the athletes that I work with respond very well to utilizing this tool for the...
Featured image for “Is Knee Valgus Always Bad in Weight Lifting?”
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 Injury Prevention
 Lower Body

Is Knee Valgus Always Bad in Weight Lifting?

The debate around knee valgus in lifting remains hot with frequent social media fights erupting when an athlete’s form is criticized. I ask that anyone wanting to discuss this with me in social media comments or emailing me please read this article in its entirety. When I first wrote this article, I sat on it for a while before publishing....
Featured image for “Brace Yourself! A bigger squat is coming…”
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 Injury Prevention

Brace Yourself! A bigger squat is coming…

Spinal Bracing for Lifting Weights More people than ever are squatting and squatting often. Whether for performance or personal goals, many have become focused on improving their squat, and, quite honestly, I don’t blame them. spinal bracing  When the goal is to load more weight on the bar and move it as efficiently and safely as possible, creating stiffness and rigidity...
Featured image for “Fixing Hip Pain During Squats”
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 Lower Body
 Physical Therapy

Fixing Hip Pain During Squats

The squat is the king of all exercises, unrivaled in its ability to build explosive hip strength, power, and develop athletes. But many athletes develop hip pain during squats making performing them near impossible. And when they seek treatment for this, they’re commonly met by medical professionals who don’t understand squat mechanics and waste time on treatments to address hip...
Featured image for “Eccentric Isometrics for Mobility and Strength”
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 Injury Prevention
 Lower Body
 Physical Therapy
 Upper Body

Eccentric Isometrics for Mobility and Strength

Eccentric Isometrics might be the best technique you haven’t heard of in the strength & conditioning world. They also have a great role in rehab as well. Learn how they can be used to improve your movement, strength, and hypertrophy. I learned of eccentric isometrics and immediately began implementing them into my programming – and knew right away that eccentric isometrics...
Featured image for “Dead Bug 2.0: The Best Advanced Variations”
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 Injury Prevention

Dead Bug 2.0: The Best Advanced Variations

Core stability is the key to unlocking an athlete’s optimal performance potential. Without it, forces cannot be efficiently transferred from the lower body to the upper extremities. The Dead Bug exercise is commonly thought of as a remedial core exercise best used in wimpy rehab programs. But, the Dead Bug can be one of the most effective movements you can...
Featured image for “Five Advanced Thoracic Spine Mobility Drills”
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 Physical Therapy

Five Advanced Thoracic Spine Mobility Drills

Thoracic spine mobility is vital to optimal performance and execution of the overhead lifts, such as the snatch or overhead squat. But proper mobility requires more than just stretching the joints. It demands active control and stability throughout the full range of motion.  Use the following drills to not only improve your thoracic spine mobility but to help you own your...
Featured image for “Sumo Deadlift High Pull Safety, Effectiveness, & Fixes”
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 Injury Prevention
 Upper Body

Sumo Deadlift High Pull Safety, Effectiveness, & Fixes

I’m joined by Dan Pope of FitnessPainFree.com to discuss the Sumo Deadlift High Pull safety and effectiveness. The Sumo Deadlift High Pull (SDHP) is an often controversial exercise.  Many believe the internally rotated, high elbow position at the top of the movement to be a dangerous position. And they claim that can damage soft tissue structures. Sumo Deadlift High Pull Safety You...
Featured image for “Working Out After Rhabdo”
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 Physical Therapy

Working Out After Rhabdo

Rhabdomyolysis is a rare medical condition that can result from intense physical exercise. When “rhabdo” occurs, severe muscle damage leads to the release of skeletal muscle contents into the plasma and can lead to serious medical problems, including death. While many fitness certifications address the need to screen for rhabdo, little information is available on getting back to CrossFit and...

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