Injury Prevention,
Injury Rehab,
The Safety of Deep Squats I am excited to have Dr. Mitch Babcock of HealthHQ contribute this amazing research review on the safety of deep squats. Squats unfortunately continue to get a bad wrap in the medical world as a knee destroyer. But the available literature on deep squats shows them to be very safe. Research also proves them to be...
Injury Rehab,
Low Back Strength,
Treating Low Back Pain Using DEADLIFTS
Deadlifts are unfortunately all too commonly believed to be unsafe exercises for an individual’s low back health. But the research says quite the opposite of what many believe. Crazy right? An exercise known to help make your back and hips STRONGER might also make it HEALTHIER!!! Let’s dive into the research on deadlifts for low back pain. Are Deadlifts Safe?...
Injury Prevention,
Leg Strength,
Fixing The Good Morning Squat
Commonly when lifting weights, we see the body choose to move in such a way as to bias its strengths and protect its’ weaknesses. That is because the human body is an efficient organism trying to complete any task using the easiest available route. The good-morning squat is a great example of an athlete moving is this manner. Note: for...
Injury Prevention,
Injury Rehab,
Leg Strength,
The Best Squat Variations to Fix Your Problem Areas
The back squat is considered by most in the strength & conditioning world to be the king of all lifts, BUT what do we do when our squat progress stops? How do we address our specific weak points limiting progression? Try these squat variations to address your specific problem areas! Note: for more details on diagnosing squat weaknesses, check out...
Injury Prevention,
Injury Rehab,
Leg Strength,
Shoulder Strength,
The Best Kettlebell Rehab Exercises
The kettlebell is a fantastic training tool for athletes and the general population to build strength, stability, coordination, conditioning, and sports performance. It is also one of the most undervalued pieces of equipment used by physical therapists and chiropractors in the rehabilitation of injuries. Here are my favorite kettlebell rehab exercises. For more rehab exercises, see my articles on the...
Injury Prevention,
Injury Rehab,
Leg Strength,
Top Glute Strength Exercises
Sub-optimal glute strength is one of the most common faults I see in athletes. This can lead to a host of injuries as well as decreased performance. We’ve previously discussed using the push press as a test of the hip (glute) versus knee dominance in athletes. Analyzing an athlete’s movement while doing high rep push press’s will show their default...
Biomechanics of The Olympic Snatch
Biomechanics of the Snatch The snatch exercise is a frequently used movement in strength & conditioning programs, and for a good reason. This exercise allows the athlete to lift very explosively and with biomechanics similar to that seen in many other athletic movements such as running and jumping. However, the snatch lift is highly technical and requires time and a good...
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