Lower Body,
Physical Therapy,
The psoas march is among my favorite corrective exercises to prescribe for athletes needing improved lumbopelvic control. This exercise has helped athletes with everything from: Psoas strains Low back pain Squat technique Hip impingement pain “Tight” hip flexors (because often weak muscles become tense) If you are ready for a stronger core and better control then give the psoas march...
Injury Prevention,
Lower Body,
Physical Therapy,
Femur Length and Squat Technique – How Individual Differences Impact Squat Performance
In Parts I and II in this series on how individual anatomical differences can impact squat performance. We covered the effects of various levels of ankle mobility, hip mobility, and hip boney anatomy. These two articles provide evidence for the need to individualize our squat technique prescription to every athlete that we work with. This week’s article will further investigate...
Lower Body,
Physical Therapy,
How squat mobility impacts performance
How squat mobility impacts performance One of the biggest misconceptions I see and hear when working with various fitness coaches is that there is a certain way to squat and certain keys to proper squat mobility. Knees must be positioned in a certain spot, feet must be pointed a certain direction, and coaches try to force their athletes to squat in...
Physical Therapy,
How to Train Smart Through Pregnancy
I am all for women exercising during pregnancy. I have reaped the benefits of exercise through two pregnancies and have seen plenty of patients experience the same benefits. A few of these benefits include decreased musculoskeletal complaints throughout pregnancy, improved body mechanics and posture, prevention of gestational diabetes and preeclampsia, and stress reduction (1, 2, 3). In general, society seems...
Lower Body,
Physical Therapy,
Upper Body,
The Best Mobility Technique You Are Not Using
We’ve all used foam rollers, stretching, band joint distractions, and lacrosse balls to improve mobility. But there is a big gap between having the available range of motion and being able to use that available motion. Eccentric isometrics fix that! It is rare to find athletes that can functionally utilize their full available range of motion. I commonly see athletes...
Injury Prevention,
Lower Body,
Physical Therapy,
Upper Body,
The Best Barbell Rehab Exercises
I realized a terrible truth this week…a while back, I wrote an article on the best kettlebell exercises to use in rehab. But despite being The BARBELL Physio, I’ve never written about the best barbell rehab exercises. Travesty! So here we go, our favorite exercises with the barbell to use in rehab! For more rehab exercises, see my articles on the...
Physical Therapy,
The Best Soft Tissue Mobilization Tools
One of the most frequent questions I receive from athletes is what my favorite soft tissue mobilization tools are. I’ve got a few below that I’ll share, but first, you need to know this about all soft tissue tools. I don’t believe ANY soft tissue tool (or hands-on technique) create actual mechanical changes in the soft tissue. For example, people...
Injury Prevention,
Physical Therapy,
Bird Dog 2.0 – The Best Variations for Serious Strength
The bird dog, traditionally programmed for people who either are doing some low back rehab or trying to work on some spinal stability, can be one tough exercise. Rotary stability, glute activation, anterior core control, scapular stability, and lower trap development. Very few athletes, coaches, and clinicians understand how valuable the bird dog can be beyond simply a rehab exercise....
Lower Body,
Physical Therapy,
STOP STATIC STRETCHING TO IMPROVE HIP MOBILITY The fitness world has come a long way in our understanding of the importance mobility work has on athletic performance. Mobility tools and drills are becoming commonplace in gyms, CrossFit boxes, and on the playing field. Unfortunately, most athletes performing these hip mobility drills have yet to figure out that much of their mobility...
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