Featured image for “Best Deadlift Cues to Improve Your Technique”
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 Lower Body

Best Deadlift Cues to Improve Your Technique

Best Deadlift Cues to Improve Your Technique The deadlift is one of the best exercises that can be performed to build whole-body strength, increase sports performance, and in rehabbing back injuries. To maximize your deadlift performance, and minimize your risk of injury, focus on these five best deadlift cues! Related Article: How Body Proportions Impact Deadlift Technique Deadlift Cue #1...
Featured image for “Trulap vs Nuobell Dumbbells”
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 Equipment Reviews

Trulap vs Nuobell Dumbbells

The recent additions of new brands into the adjustable dumbbell space have brought consumers a few great options for home dumbbell sets without crushing the bank account or taking up too much space. Two of those adjustable dumbbells are the Trulap 8592 and the Smrtft NÜOBELL. Which of these dumbells is the best for your gym? Let’s examine the pros...
Featured image for “Best Rotator Cuff Strength Exercises”
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 Injury Rehab

Best Rotator Cuff Strength Exercises

The shoulder is the most commonly injured area of the body for fitness athletes. Whether rehabbing from an injury or trying to keep your shoulders healthy and avoid one, increasing rotator cuff strength should be a priority in your training. Rotator Cuff Injuries 101 The rotator cuff comprises four muscles: the supraspinatus, subscapularis, infraspinatus, and teres minor. While each produces...
Featured image for “Should You Wear a Weightlifting Belt?”
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 Injury Prevention

Should You Wear a Weightlifting Belt?

A common debate in the health & fitness world revolves around the need for and usefulness of weightlifting belts. You’ll far too commonly hear arguments that weightlifting belts will “weaken your core” or “isn’t functional.” But if you look at most elite lifters in strength sports, you’ll always see them wearing a belt during maximal lifts. So what’s the truth...
Featured image for “4 Best Kettlebell Exercises to Bulletproof Shoulders”
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 Injury Prevention
 Upper Body

4 Best Kettlebell Exercises to Bulletproof Shoulders

Kettlebell Exercises to Bulletproof Shoulders Transcript Hey everybody, Zach and Pamela from performaneplusprogramming.com and today, we’re talking about our four favorite kettlebell exercises to work on building healthy shoulders. Bottoms Up KB Press So the first exercise we’re gonna work on is going to be a half kneeling bottoms-up kettlebell press. So Pamela’s gonna drop down to the bottom of...
Featured image for “Bar Muscle-Up Chicken Wing Fix”
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 Gymnastics Skills
 Upper Body

Bar Muscle-Up Chicken Wing Fix

Developing the strength and technique to perform kipping bar muscle-ups can be a challenging journey. Many athletes finally get to that point in their gymnastics skills development that they can perform the muscle-up, but they do so with the dreaded chicken wing fault. This is one of the most common faults in the BMU and it occurs when the athlete...
Featured image for “Best Lower Back Prehab Exercises”
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 Injury Prevention
 Injury Rehab

Best Lower Back Prehab Exercises

The lower back is one of the most injured area of the body in fitness athletes. If you’re tired of back tweaks, or simply want to get ahead of them in the first place, then the following video will show you three of the best lower back prehab exercises. For a proven back strength & prehab accessory plan, check out...
Featured image for “Best Stretches to Improve Hip Internal Rotation”
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 Injury Prevention
 Lower Body

Best Stretches to Improve Hip Internal Rotation

Improving hip internal rotation can often be a challenging area of your mobility to regain. But opening up hip internal rotation range can often pay huge dividends in improving your squat depth and reducing hip pain or femoroacetabular impingement for many individuals. If you are unsure of your need to improve your hip internal rotation, use the following test to...
Featured image for “How to Perform the Spanish Squat”
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 Injury Prevention
 Lower Body

How to Perform the Spanish Squat

How to Perform the Spanish Squat In this video, we’re going to talk about perfecting your Spanish Squat technique so that you get the most emphasis on your quads during this squat exercise variation. The Spanish Squat is a great exercise for those rehabbing knee injuries as it builds quad strength but without a lot of load on the knee...

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