Featured image for “The Best Tips for Building Strict Ring Muscle-Up Strength”
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The Best Tips for Building Strict Ring Muscle-Up Strength

Frustrated with Strict Ring Muscle-Ups? Let’s drastically improve this skill! Don’t worry, this strength skill takes a lot of time and practice but is definitely worth the hard work because it has a lot of benefits as a strength training skill. Those who train the strict ring muscle-up will build grip strength, pulling strength, tricep strength, and body awareness. Along...
Featured image for “The Best Fitness Apps”
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The Best Fitness Apps

There are several fantastic fitness apps for your phone or tablet that can make your fitness journey (or that of your athletes) better. Over the past few years, I’ve used the following apps and highly recommend each of them. Important note: I’m a Mac user and haven’t verified these for their work with Android phones. The Best Fitness Apps On...
Featured image for “The Best Drills to Improve Your Kipping”
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The Best Drills to Improve Your Kipping

If you lack a solid kipping foundation it will affect the efficiency of all skills that use the kip, such as pull-ups and toes to bar. The kip requires a combination of strength, coordination, and mobility. Lacking in any one of these areas makes kipping frustrating and halts progress in the skills that use the kip. THE TOP REASONS YOU...
Featured image for “The Most Important Steps to Learning to Handstand Walking”
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 Upper Body

The Most Important Steps to Learning to Handstand Walking

For many athletes, the transition from holding a handstand against, to freestanding, and then ultimately learning to handstand walk can be a challenging progression. Handstand walking requires significant strength, coordination, and mobility to accomplish. Our handstand walk progression will help get you there! If you are ready to get serious about mastering handstand walking, our  Handstand Walking Program. This four-week...
Featured image for “The Best Drills for Better Grip Strength For the Fitness Athlete”
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 Upper Body

The Best Drills for Better Grip Strength For the Fitness Athlete

When starting a training program, you rarely think about grip strength. You want to lift heavier, so you focus on improving your form and developing strength everywhere except your grip. But neglecting grip strength in CrossFit accessory work can significantly hold back your performance. Let’s bring this commonly weak area up to boost your performance! For those wanting a free...
Featured image for “The Best Suspension Trainer Rehab Exercises”
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The Best Suspension Trainer Rehab Exercises

In the musculoskeletal rehab, we’ve made huge strides understanding the importance of improving the strength of patients returning from an injury. But often we’re faced with the challenge of getting the right strength equipment in place. I’d love for every physical therapy, chiropractic, and athletic training facility to have barbells and kettlebells. But, I understand space and issues convincing management...
Featured image for “Ultimate Guide to Improving Your Overhead Squat”
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Ultimate Guide to Improving Your Overhead Squat

You walk into your gym and on the white board there it is…the overhead squat. While a few athletes will be thrilled to see this movement most of us won’t. The combination of mobility, strength, control, and coordination needed for this exercise makes it one of the most difficult for many CrossFit athletes.  But there is hope. With the assessments...
Featured image for “The Best Exercises to Get Your First Pull-Up”
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The Best Exercises to Get Your First Pull-Up

An athlete getting their first unassisted pull-up is a significant accomplishment. For many, it takes months or years of training to build the strength to get their chin over the bar finally. For others, they spin their wheels, never making enough progress. The three steps have worked time and time again to help HUNDREDS of athletes we’ve worked with accomplish...
Featured image for “Increase Your Bench Press by Avoiding These Five Mistakes”
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 Upper Body

Increase Your Bench Press by Avoiding These Five Mistakes

Bench Press Mistakes to Avoid to Hit Your Next PR! There are a lot of factors in the bench press that can make or break your success in the movement. If you want to increase your bench press you need to be aware of the things that can go wrong. These might sacrifice your strength potential, or worse, increase your chance...

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