Featured image for “Fix Shoulder Pain with the Overhead Press”
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 Injury Prevention
 Upper Body

Fix Shoulder Pain with the Overhead Press

Shoulder Pain with the Overhead Press is one of the most common issues athletes face in the weight room. This article will discuss the most common causes of shoulder pain with overhead presses and suggest getting back to pain-free lifting. Causes of Shoulder Pain with Overhead Press Training Volume With any injury, looking back at your recent training changes is...
Featured image for “Elbow Pain During the Bench Press”
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 Injury Prevention
 Upper Body

Elbow Pain During the Bench Press

Elbow pain during the bench press can be a frustrating injury to overcome and stall your bench press gains. In this article, we’ll discuss the most common cause of elbow pain and the best plan of action to eliminate triceps tendinopathy with bench press. What Is Triceps Tendinopathy? Triceps tendinopathy is a painful condition where the tendon connecting the tricep...
Featured image for “Eliminate Shoulder Pain During the Bench Press!”
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 Injury Prevention
 Upper Body

Eliminate Shoulder Pain During the Bench Press!

Everyone’s favorite lift that too frequently comes with a nagging ache in your shoulders. While the bench press is among the best exercises for building upper body pushing strength, we all hate when that tweak happens and forces us to back off our training for a few sessions. Here are six things you can do to eliminate shoulder pain during...
Featured image for “Best Exercises for Overhead Mobility”
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 Upper Body

Best Exercises for Overhead Mobility

This video will share four of our favorite exercises for improving overhead mobility. So, if you’re struggling with your overhead lifts, handstand work, or gymnastics-based skills on the rig, you want to try these drills out to unlock their shoulders and get them in a better position.   Suggested Program: Overhead Mobility Overhaul Best Exercises for Overhead Mobility Transcript Sleeper...
Featured image for “4 Best Kettlebell Exercises to Bulletproof Shoulders”
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 Injury Prevention
 Upper Body

4 Best Kettlebell Exercises to Bulletproof Shoulders

Kettlebell Exercises to Bulletproof Shoulders Transcript Hey everybody, Zach and Pamela from performaneplusprogramming.com and today, we’re talking about our four favorite kettlebell exercises to work on building healthy shoulders. Bottoms Up KB Press So the first exercise we’re gonna work on is going to be a half kneeling bottoms-up kettlebell press. So Pamela’s gonna drop down to the bottom of...
Featured image for “Bar Muscle-Up Chicken Wing Fix”
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 Gymnastics Skills
 Upper Body

Bar Muscle-Up Chicken Wing Fix

Developing the strength and technique to perform kipping bar muscle-ups can be a challenging journey. Many athletes finally get to that point in their gymnastics skills development that they can perform the muscle-up, but they do so with the dreaded chicken wing fault. This is one of the most common faults in the BMU and it occurs when the athlete...
Featured image for “Improve Your Workout Warm Up”
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 Injury Prevention
 Lower Body
 Upper Body

Improve Your Workout Warm Up

One of the least discussed components to an athlete’s workout programming is the workout warm up. This piece of your workout will get your body prepared for optimal performance and should not be ignored. In this article, I’ll outline how athletes should structure their workout warm up and then share several examples of warming up for specific movement patterns. Workout...
Featured image for “Shoulder Pain with Kipping Pull-ups”
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 Gymnastics Skills
 Injury Prevention
 Upper Body

Shoulder Pain with Kipping Pull-ups

In this video, we talk about shoulder pain with kipping pull-ups and muscle-ups and four of the most common things we see leading to people getting irritated shoulders during those movements. We also recently discussed this topic on the Performance Plus podcast! Shoulder Pain with Kipping Pull-Ups Issue # 1 – The Stiff Shoulder The first thing’s going to be,...
Featured image for “Thoracic Spine Strength Exercises”
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 Upper Body

Thoracic Spine Strength Exercises

When discussing the thoracic spine (upper back), we often focus on the importance of mobility in this area. Limitations in upper back range of motion can have a huge impact on your overhead mobility, neck pain, and lower back health. But weakness of the thoracic spine is not commonly discussed. But if you are doing front squats, cleans, and deadlifts,...

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