Lower Body,
Physical Therapy,
Upper Body,
We’ve all used foam rollers, stretching, band joint distractions, and lacrosse balls to improve mobility. But there is a big gap between having the available range of motion and being able to use that available motion. Eccentric isometrics fix that! It is rare to find athletes that can functionally utilize their full available range of motion. I commonly see athletes...
Injury Prevention,
Lower Body,
Physical Therapy,
Upper Body,
The Best Barbell Rehab Exercises
I realized a terrible truth this week…a while back, I wrote an article on the best kettlebell exercises to use in rehab. But despite being The BARBELL Physio, I’ve never written about the best barbell rehab exercises. Travesty! So here we go, our favorite exercises with the barbell to use in rehab! For more rehab exercises, see my articles on the...
Lower Body,
Upper Body,
Is Your Upper Body Holding Your Squat Back?
Most people don’t think of the upper body when performing a back squat. It’s generally thought of as a lower body strength training movement. But if you don’t have certain pre-requisites of squat upper body mobility, it can lead to shoulder, low back, and lower body issues. In order to get yourself under the bar in the proper position during...
Injury Prevention,
Lower Body,
Upper Body,
Top 5 Olympic Weightlifting Mobility Needs
Weightlifting Mobility Needs As much as any other sport, Olympic weightlifting requires incredible mobility if an athlete is to perform the lifts with proper technique and lift maximum weights. Without enough mobility, athletes will lack full depth and positioning, as well as expose themselves to potential injuries. Olympic weightlifting mobility Thoracic Spine A mobile thoracic spine is crucial to the...
Lower Body,
Physical Therapy,
STOP STATIC STRETCHING TO IMPROVE HIP MOBILITY The fitness world has come a long way in our understanding of the importance mobility work has on athletic performance. Mobility tools and drills are becoming commonplace in gyms, CrossFit boxes, and on the playing field. Unfortunately, most athletes performing these hip mobility drills have yet to figure out that much of their mobility...
Injury Prevention,
Lower Body,
Physical Therapy,
Upper Body,
The Best TRX Rehab Exercises
TRX and other suspension trainers are one of the most versatile pieces of equipment for the physical therapist, chiropractor, or other rehab professionals to use in the treatment of injuries. The exercise variety and ease of quickly altering the load of the exercise makes it great for individuals of all fitness levels. I’m thrilled to share this compilation of the...
Injury Prevention,
Lower Body,
Physical Therapy,
Upper Body,
The Application of Blood Flow Restriction for Strength & Performance
As we previously covered in Parts I and II, blood flow restriction training has emerged as a game-changing rehab and performance tools. While traditional resistance exercise strength & hypertrophy must be done with heavy loads, blood flow restriction is the opposite. With blood flow restriction strength and hypertrophy gains have been shown in research at loads as low as 20%...
Injury Prevention,
Lower Body,
Physical Therapy,
Upper Body,
The Science of Blood Flow Restriction Training
Blood flow restriction training has received huge amounts of attention in the strength & conditioning, rehabilitation, and research worlds. Its’ proponents cite huge amounts of research showing it a valuable tool for promoting strength and hypertrophy gains. In the first of this article, series, we will do a general overview of the science behind blood flow restriction training. In part 2,...
Injury Prevention,
Lower Body,
Physical Therapy,
Upper Body,
The Best Kettlebell Rehab Exercises
The kettlebell is a fantastic training tool for athletes and the general population to build strength, stability, coordination, conditioning, and sports performance. It is also one of the most undervalued pieces of equipment used by physical therapists and chiropractors in the rehabilitation of injuries. Here are my favorite kettlebell rehab exercises. For more rehab exercises, see my articles on the...
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