Injury Prevention,
Lower Body,
Physical Therapy,
The Safety of Deep Squats I am excited to have Dr. Mitch Babcock of HealthHQ contribute this amazing research review on the safety of deep squats. Squats unfortunately continue to get a bad wrap in the medical world as a knee destroyer. But the available literature on deep squats shows them to be very safe. Research also proves them to be...
Injury Prevention,
Physical Therapy,
Upper Body,
How to Fix Rib Cage Flare During Overhead Lifting
Rib cage flare during overhead lifting is a common movement fault seen in fitness athletes. While it is not always an issue, quite often it needs to be addressed for better positioning as an athlete moves weight overhead. If you aren’t familiar with the term rib cage flare, it is another name for overextension of the spine. This usually occurs...
Injury Prevention,
Physical Therapy,
Upper Body,
The Best Shoulder Extension Mobility Drills
I previously published an article on BENCH PRESS MOBILITY. In this article, I outlined several of the key mobility areas to address to allow for proper bench press form. One of those areas was shoulder extension mobility, a commonly overlooked component of shoulder mobility that can impact not only the bench press, but also pushups, dips, and muscle-ups. Since publishing that...
Injury Prevention,
Upper Body,
The Importance of Bench Press Mobility
Many fitness athletes think of improving their mobility for squats and overhead presses. But, few consider the mobility needs of the bench press. Although it doesn’t usually require as much mobility attention as those lifts, I often find mobility limitations in athletes that impact their ability to bench with optimal form. As with any movement, when wanting to improve the...
Injury Prevention,
Lower Body,
Upper Body,
Analyzing Strength Ratios for Improved Training
No two athletes are the same. And while we believe that in a group training setting all athletes will improve follow the same training, it is important to analyze each athlete individually as well to determine if large individual differences in performance warrants some individualization of programming. For example, if an athlete is working on a goal of performing a...
Injury Prevention,
Physical Therapy,
The Truth About CrossFit Injuries
No matter what recreational activity you choose to follow, minor tweaks and injuries are inevitable. Participating in CrossFit is no exception to this. Injuries happen with CrossFit, just as they do with powerlifting, weightlifting, bodybuilding, running, and any organized sport. Yet, there is still a widely held belief that CrossFit is itself a more dangerous activity. But is this true...
Injury Prevention,
Upper Body,
The Truth About Kipping Pull-ups
Without question, kipping pull-ups are the most controversial exercise performed in CrossFit. While a regular movement in CrossFit workouts, you won’t see it in the rest of the strength & conditioning world. And many non-CrossFitters will criticize the movement as being a non-functional, injury-causing movement that allows CrossFit athletes to cheat. CrossFit athletes, on the other hand, argue that it allows...
Injury Prevention,
Lower Body,
Physical Therapy,
Upper Body,
Lifter’s Guide to Treating Tendinopathy
Note: This article is a bit heavier on the science than what I typically put out. BUT understanding WHY tendinopathy occurs is vitally important to properly rehabbing them. Please thoroughly read this before implementing it with yourself. As clinicians, there are some injuries and dysfunctions we see more commonly than others. Tendinopathy ranks high on the “most frequent” list when...
Injury Prevention,
Upper Body,
Five Simple Tactics to Improve Your Handstands
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