Injury Prevention,
Injury Rehab,
Lower Body,
Upper Body,
I’m excited to have postpartum fitness specialist Christina Prevett MScPT, Ph.D. (c ) discuss the important topics you need to know prior to returning to fitness postpartum! Christina also runs TheBarbellMamas, which gives amazing training plans to pregnant and postpartum women! You are a Crossfitter. It’s what you love to do. You live and breathe the sport. When you get...
Lower Body,
The Best GHD Exercises for Stronger Glutes, Hamstrings, and Lower Back
The Glute-Ham Developer (GHD) often sits in the corners of gyms collecting dust and serving as a coach rack. But this is one of the most valuable pieces of equipment for building posterior chain strength and endurance. If your low back, glutes, and hamstrings need extra work, try these different GHD exercises in your programming! For more great accessory exercises,...
Injury Prevention,
Injury Rehab,
Lower Body,
Fixing The Squat Butt Wink
The squat butt wink is one of the most well known of all squat movement faults. If you haven’t heard of butt wink before, it is the term used to describe the excessive rounding of the lower back as an athlete drops down into the bottom of the squat. This puts the body in a sub-optimal position for developing and...
Gymnastics Skills,
Strict & Kipping Toes To Bar Variations for Performance
Understanding the differences and progressions between strict and kipping toes to bar variations can help you identify which movement is most efficient for you to perform in a workout for time. Pamela Gagnon breaks down three T2B variations for you to work on! For those needing more help with their T2B form, our Toes To Bar Overhaul plan is designed...
Injury Rehab,
Lower Body,
Upper Body,
The Best Landmine Exercises for Strength & Hypertrophy
Having a variety of exercises to choose from is important not only for continual performance increases but also for mental breaks from always doing the same old moves. One of my favorite tools for changing my training up is to incorporate landmine exercises into my workouts. Landmine setups are incredibly versatile and allow us to provide great stimuli for strength...
Injury Prevention,
Plank Variations – The Best Drills for Building Serious Core Strength
Front and side planks are great for teaching core positioning and beginning to develop strength. But quickly they become more of an endurance exercise than a trunk & core strengthener. If you want to build serious strength, then you are going to need to up your game by trying these plank variations! ARTICLE FREEBIE!!! Our Gymnasty Core WODs features several...
Gymnastics Skills,
Lower Body,
Five Keys to Great Toes To Bar
The toes to bar can be one of the more frustrating skills for fitness athletes to develop. This movement requires a combination of strength, coordination, and mobility. Lacking in any one of these areas makes performing the toes to bar much more difficult and will either prevent an athlete from being able to do a full T2B or rob them...
Injury Prevention,
Injury Rehab,
Lower Body,
Upper Body,
How To Continue Training When Injured
If you’ve spent any significant time working to push your performance to the next level, you know that an occasional tweak will happen that creates some soreness with exercise. Usually, these tweaks though are nothing to worry about, and training can continue as normal. But what can you do when a more significant injury occurs? After months or years of...
Injury Prevention,
Injury Rehab,
Lower Body,
Strength Training with Lower Back Pain
If you’ve trained hard and worked to push your performance to the next level for any extended period of time you know that the occasional tweak of a muscle or joint is inevitable. But when it comes to a tweak in your back many athletes tend to become more concerned than other areas. Continuing to remain highly active as your...
Blog (102)
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Exercises (164)
Gymnastics Skills (24)
Injury Prevention (117)
Injury Rehab (98)
Lower Body (89)
Mobility (119)
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Upper Body (77)