Featured image for “Best Lower Back Prehab Exercises”
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 Injury Rehab

Best Lower Back Prehab Exercises

The lower back is one of the most injured area of the body in fitness athletes. If you’re tired of back tweaks, or simply want to get ahead of them in the first place, then the following video will show you three of the best lower back prehab exercises. For a proven back strength & prehab accessory plan, check out...
Featured image for “Bulletproof Your Back – Five Moves for a More Resilient Spine”
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 Injury Prevention
 Injury Rehab

Bulletproof Your Back – Five Moves for a More Resilient Spine

In this video, we’re talking about the best exercises for a bulletproof back, that is exercises that build a stronger spine. For more, please be sure to check out our Bulletproof Back Builder accessory program! The low back is typically overlooked when we’re talking about sports performance and helping to improve moves like your squat and your deadlift. We so...
Featured image for “Fixing Low Back Pain After Deadlifts”
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 Injury Prevention
 Injury Rehab

Fixing Low Back Pain After Deadlifts

The deadlift can be one of the best exercises for building total body strength and improving the health of your spine. But many athletes get recurring low back pain after deadlifts. If that is you, then we will share the most common causes of this to help you get past deadlifts being an aggravating activity. Low Back Pain After Deadlifts...
Featured image for “Thoracic Spine Strength Exercises”
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 Upper Body

Thoracic Spine Strength Exercises

When discussing the thoracic spine (upper back), we often focus on the importance of mobility in this area. Limitations in upper back range of motion can have a huge impact on your overhead mobility, neck pain, and lower back health. But weakness of the thoracic spine is not commonly discussed. But if you are doing front squats, cleans, and deadlifts,...
Featured image for “Psoas March Variations for Stronger Hip Flexors and Core”
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 Injury Prevention
 Injury Rehab
 Lower Body

Psoas March Variations for Stronger Hip Flexors and Core

The psoas march is one of the best exercises for strengthening the hip flexors and abdominal muscles. It’s effectiveness makes it a staple in many programs I write for addressing hip impingement, hip flexor tightness, diastasis recti, and low back pain. If you’re looking to improve any of those areas, then these psoas march (PM) variations will be sure to crush...
Featured image for “The Best GHD Sit Up Variations”
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The Best GHD Sit Up Variations

The GHD Sit Up is one of the most challenging abdominal exercises in all of fitness. This exercises takes the abdominal muscles through a larger range of motion as the spine extends and flexes during the GHD sit up than most “core” exercises commonly used. This large motion results in the GHD sit up being incredibly challenging and many athletes...
Featured image for “5 Keys to Returning to Kipping Pull-Ups Postpartum”
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 Gymnastics Skills
 Injury Prevention
 Injury Rehab
 Upper Body

5 Keys to Returning to Kipping Pull-Ups Postpartum

There isn’t a ton of information on the internet about how exactly to return to kipping pull-ups postpartum. There’s even less when we talk about other gymnastics movements such as toes to bar and handstand work. And of the information available, it is often put out by athletes that have had their first child and instantly consider themselves a postpartum...
Featured image for “Returning to Toes to Bar Postpartum”
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 Gymnastics Skills
 Injury Prevention
 Injury Rehab
 Lower Body
 Upper Body

Returning to Toes to Bar Postpartum

Returning to CrossFit gymnastics movements postpartum can be a challenging process for many new moms. Of all the movements CrossFit athletes perform, returning to toes to bar postpartum is probably the most difficult to get back. If you have been looking for help returning to toes to bar postpartum you have probably already seen there isn’t a lot of information...
Featured image for “The Best Low Back Strength Exercises”
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 Injury Prevention
 Injury Rehab

The Best Low Back Strength Exercises

Whether your goal is to PR your squat and deadlift, or to simply finally get long-lasting relief from low back pain, strengthening the muscles of your lower back is important. While I believe firmly that the deadlift is the best exercise you can do to strengthen your lower back, there is a lot of value in having other exercises to...

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