Gymnastics Skills,
Injury Prevention,
Upper Body,
Without question, kipping pull-ups are the most controversial exercise performed in CrossFit. While a regular movement in CrossFit workouts, you won’t see it in the rest of the strength & conditioning world. And many non-CrossFitters will criticize the movement as being a non-functional, injury-causing movement that allows CrossFit athletes to cheat. CrossFit athletes, on the other hand, argue that it allows...
Injury Prevention,
Injury Rehab,
Upper Body,
The 8 Best Drills to Unlock Your Shoulder Mobility
achieving a solid overhead position won’t be possible making overhead pressing, snatches, overhead squats, and efficiency suffer. Far too often, athletes waste time foam rolling and performing band distraction drills that only temporarily improve their range of motion. Then the next day they must repeat the process again, never seeing the long term improvements they want in their performance. The...
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