Lower Body,
Physical Therapy,
If you’re an athlete, chances are you squat on a regular basis. That’s because the squat is one of the most common and important exercises in any routine. We often discuss how strengthening different muscles can help improve your squat performance. But, adjusting your squat stance can be one of the easiest ways to improve your squat performance. When athletes...
Injury Prevention,
Lower Body,
Physical Therapy,
Upper Body,
Returning to Toes to Bar Postpartum
Returning to CrossFit gymnastics movements postpartum can be a challenging process for many new moms. Of all the movements CrossFit athletes perform, returning to toes to bar postpartum is probably the most difficult to get back. If you have been looking for help returning to toes to bar postpartum you have probably already seen there isn’t a lot of information...
Injury Prevention,
Lower Body,
Physical Therapy,
The Best Banded Hip Mobilizations for Improved Hip Mobility & Performance
If you are looking to improve your hip mobility for improved performance or less pain, then using different banded hip mobilization techniques can be incredibly helpful. There are a number of different ways we can set a band up to help with opening up different directions of motion. Choosing the best mobilization for your specific needs is key to seeing...
Injury Prevention,
Lower Body,
Physical Therapy,
Upper Body,
Blood Flow Restriction Training for Athletes
Blood Flow Restriction Training Authors: Nicholas M. Licameli (@nicklicameli), DPT & Nicholas Rolnick, DPT (@thehpm) – The BFR PROS (@thebfrpros) If you’ve landed on this page, you’ve likely already read about how blood flow restriction (BFR) is rapidly growing into the mainstream as both a fitness and rehabilitation tool to accelerate performance & recovery. If not, we encourage you to...
Injury Prevention,
Lower Body,
Physical Therapy,
Upper Body,
The Ultimate Guide to Returning to Fitness Postpartum
I’m excited to have postpartum fitness specialist Christina Prevett MScPT, Ph.D. (c ) discuss the important topics you need to know prior to returning to fitness postpartum! Christina also runs TheBarbellMamas, which gives amazing training plans to pregnant and postpartum women! You are a Crossfitter. It’s what you love to do. You live and breathe the sport. When you get...
Lower Body,
The Best GHD Exercises for Stronger Glutes, Hamstrings, and Lower Back
The Glute-Ham Developer (GHD) often sits in the corners of gyms collecting dust and serving as a coach rack. But this is one of the most valuable pieces of equipment for building posterior chain strength and endurance. If your low back, glutes, and hamstrings need extra work, try these different GHD exercises in your programming! For more great accessory exercises,...
Injury Prevention,
Lower Body,
Physical Therapy,
Fixing The Squat Butt Wink
The squat butt wink is one of the most well known of all squat movement faults. If you haven’t heard of butt wink before, it is the term used to describe the excessive rounding of the lower back as an athlete drops down into the bottom of the squat. This puts the body in a sub-optimal position for developing and...
Injury Prevention,
Lower Body,
The Best Quad Strength & Hypertrophy Exercises
In the lower body, the glutes tend to get all the love. From strength coaches to the medical world, we all focus on improving glute strength for performance and rehab. But the quads are also vitally important to your athletic performance and the health of your knee joints. When your legs need some extra work, the following exercises are my...
Lower Body,
Squatting with Long Legs – Strategies for Better Form!
Squatting with long legs can be very difficult. The length of your thighs impacts body positioning making hitting full depth more difficult than it is for shorter-legged athletes. But with a few simple adjustments, we can often rapidly improve positioning for better squat mechanics. Watch the following video for 3 great tactics to help improve your squat if you’re struggling...
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