Gymnastics Skills,
Upper Body,
Are you ready to get your first strict muscle-up on rings? There are a few essential techniques that will put you in optimal positioning for the movement. Gymnastics expert Pamela Gagnon discusses what you need to do with your grip, torso positioning, and pulling positions in this video. Dr. Zach Long also breaks down the most critical mobility component you need...
Gymnastics Skills,
Upper Body,
The Best Tips for Building Strict Ring Muscle-Up Strength
Frustrated with Strict Ring Muscle-Ups? Let’s drastically improve this skill! Don’t worry, this strength skill takes a lot of time and practice but is definitely worth the hard work because it has a lot of benefits as a strength training skill. Those who train the strict ring muscle-up will build grip strength, pulling strength, tricep strength, and body awareness. Along...
Gymnastics Skills,
Upper Body,
The Best Bar Muscle Up Assistance Drills
The bar muscle-up can be a difficult skill to master as it requires significant strength and coordination. Many athletes spend months working on learning the bar muscle-up with limited success or poor technique that rapidly falls apart mid-WOD. Gymnastics expert Pamela Gagnon has a number of tips for improving technique and exercises that will build your bar muscle-up specific strength and technique....
Upper Body,
The Best Drills for Muscle-Up Mobility
The muscle-up is a CrossFit skill that often takes athletes a long time to develop and perfect. I’ve previously published two articles (1 and 2) to help you create a framework for developing this movement. The drills give you a great progression to get your first muscle-up. BUT THERE IS ONE PROBLEM… WHAT IF YOU DON’T HAVE PROPER MUSCLE-UP MOBILITY?...
Upper Body,
How to Get Your First Muscle Up : Your Ultimate Plan
Muscle Up Series Part I – Framework Movement Circuit The muscle-up is a complex skill requiring great strength, coordination, and flexibility. In part 1 of this series, Framework Movements are broken down with drills and progressions for all skill levels. These are to be incorporated into a quick and easy circuit designed to help you build a strong foundation for...
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