Injury Rehab,
Shoulder Strength,
The shoulder is the most commonly injured area of the body for fitness athletes. Whether rehabbing from an injury or trying to keep your shoulders healthy and avoid one, increasing rotator cuff strength should be a priority in your training. Rotator Cuff Injuries 101 The rotator cuff comprises four muscles: the supraspinatus, subscapularis, infraspinatus, and teres minor. While each produces...
Injury Prevention,
Shoulder Strength,
4 Best Kettlebell Exercises to Bulletproof Shoulders
Kettlebell Exercises to Bulletproof Shoulders Transcript Hey everybody, Zach and Pamela from and today, we’re talking about our four favorite kettlebell exercises to work on building healthy shoulders. Bottoms Up KB Press So the first exercise we’re gonna work on is going to be a half kneeling bottoms-up kettlebell press. So Pamela’s gonna drop down to the bottom of...
Injury Prevention,
Injury Rehab,
Shoulder Strength,
The Best Exercises for Fitness Athlete Shoulder Pain
In my last article, I discussed what I believe to be the six most common causes of shoulder pain in CrossFit. To review, usually, shoulder pain results from doing too much volume or too high of skills for what that athlete is prepared for. As a result, the soft tissues of the shoulder get overloaded and become irritated. The following...
Injury Rehab,
Leg Strength,
Shoulder Strength,
The Best Landmine Exercises for Strength & Hypertrophy
Having a variety of exercises to choose from is important not only for continual performance increases but also for mental breaks from always doing the same old moves. One of my favorite tools for changing my training up is to incorporate landmine exercises into my workouts. Landmine setups are incredibly versatile and allow us to provide great stimuli for strength...
Injury Prevention,
Injury Rehab,
Shoulder Strength,
The Importance of Lat Strength In Fitness Athletes
Lat Strength In Fitness Athletes Lat strength is incredibly important for CrossFit athletes. I commonly describe this muscle as the glutes of the upper body. In so many movements performed by fitness athletes, the lats are the prime mover and also protect joints such as the shoulder from unnecessary stress. It is essential to understand the role of lat strength...
Injury Prevention,
Shoulder Strength,
Increase Your Bench Press by Avoiding These Five Mistakes
Bench Press Mistakes to Avoid to Hit Your Next PR! There are a lot of factors in the bench press that can make or break your success in the movement. If you want to increase your bench press you need to be aware of the things that can go wrong. These might sacrifice your strength potential, or worse, increase your chance...
Injury Prevention,
Injury Rehab,
Leg Strength,
Shoulder Strength,
The Best Kettlebell Rehab Exercises
The kettlebell is a fantastic training tool for athletes and the general population to build strength, stability, coordination, conditioning, and sports performance. It is also one of the most undervalued pieces of equipment used by physical therapists and chiropractors in the rehabilitation of injuries. Here are my favorite kettlebell rehab exercises. For more rehab exercises, see my articles on the...
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