Upper Body,
The bar muscle-up can be a difficult skill to master as it requires significant strength and coordination. Many athletes spend months working on learning the bar muscle-up with limited success or poor technique that rapidly falls apart mid-WOD. Gymnastics expert Pamela Gagnon has a number of tips for improving technique and exercises that will build your bar muscle-up specific strength and technique....
Injury Prevention,
Keys To The Hollow Body Hold
This week I’m joined by CrossFit games athlete and gymnastics & bodyweight strength specialist Pamela Gagnon. Together, we discuss the hollow body position. The hollow body is a foundational movement in gymnastics. Mastering this exercise will provide great carryover into all sports. ARTICLE FREEBIE!!! Our Gymnasty Core WODs features several killer ab accessory workouts. Get access to that today! KEYS...
Upper Body,
The Best Drills for Muscle-Up Mobility
The muscle-up is a CrossFit skill that often takes athletes a long time to develop and perfect. I’ve previously published two articles (1 and 2) to help you create a framework for developing this movement. The drills give you a great progression to get your first muscle-up. BUT THERE IS ONE PROBLEM… WHAT IF YOU DON’T HAVE PROPER MUSCLE-UP MOBILITY?...
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