Featured image for “Strict & Kipping Toes To Bar Variations for Performance”
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 Gymnastics Skills

Strict & Kipping Toes To Bar Variations for Performance

Understanding the differences and progressions between strict and kipping toes to bar variations can help you identify which movement is most efficient for you to perform in a workout for time. Pamela Gagnon breaks down three T2B variations for you to work on! For those needing more help with their T2B form, our Toes To Bar Overhaul plan is designed...
Featured image for “Five Keys to Great Toes To Bar”
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 Gymnastics Skills
 Lower Body

Five Keys to Great Toes To Bar

The toes to bar can be one of the more frustrating skills for fitness athletes to develop. This movement requires a combination of strength, coordination, and mobility. Lacking in any one of these areas makes performing the toes to bar much more difficult and will either prevent an athlete from being able to do a full T2B or rob them...
Featured image for “Are Your Struggling to String Chest to Bar Pull-Ups Together?”
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 Upper Body

Are Your Struggling to String Chest to Bar Pull-Ups Together?

Do you pull high enough on a chest to bar pull-up but can’t touch without a huge arch? Can you get one chest to bar, but crash to a dead stop and then have to restart your whole kip over to get your next rep? The chest to bar pull-up is an extremely hard movement that requires lots of strength...
Featured image for “The Best Handstand Pushup Strength Progression”
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 Gymnastics Skills
 Upper Body

The Best Handstand Pushup Strength Progression

Handstand Pushup Strength Progression Building to your first strict handstand pushup requires a considerable amount of strength and balance. You will need to get comfortable being inverted while building strength in the triceps, shoulders, pecs, and back muscles. Here is a basic guideline to learning the strict handstand pushup against a wall. Our 4-week Handstand Pushup program has helped hundreds of athletes...
Featured image for “Developing Butterfly Pull-Up Strength & Technique”
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 Gymnastics Skills
 Injury Prevention
 Upper Body

Developing Butterfly Pull-Up Strength & Technique

BUTTERFLY PULL-UPS WHY WE DO THEM, WHO SHOULD NOT BE DOING THEM & HOW TO DEVELOP THE BUTTERFLY PULL-UP. By Pamela Gagnon Let’s begin with the elephant in the room. Usually, we see a post of an athlete performing Butterfly Pull-ups and we see 100s of comments that say “not one pull-up done.” Ok. Let’s be real. First, if you...
Featured image for “Strict Muscle-Up: Foundations & Positioning”
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 Gymnastics Skills
 Upper Body

Strict Muscle-Up: Foundations & Positioning

Are you ready to get your first strict muscle-up on rings? There are a few essential techniques that will put you in optimal positioning for the movement. Gymnastics expert Pamela Gagnon discusses what you need to do with your grip, torso positioning, and pulling positions in this video. Dr. Zach Long also breaks down the most critical mobility component you need...
Featured image for “Add More Toes To Bar Reps With This Progression”
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 Gymnastics Skills
 Lower Body

Add More Toes To Bar Reps With This Progression

Are you stuck in a rut with your toes to bar? Do you have to continually reset for each set of T2B? Or maybe an awkward swing that is stopping you from stringing a few together in a row? If you can do singles, but still can’t string a few or more together, then this toes to bar progression will help...
Featured image for “The Best Tips for Building Strict Ring Muscle-Up Strength”
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 Gymnastics Skills
 Upper Body

The Best Tips for Building Strict Ring Muscle-Up Strength

Frustrated with Strict Ring Muscle-Ups? Let’s drastically improve this skill! Don’t worry, this strength skill takes a lot of time and practice but is definitely worth the hard work because it has a lot of benefits as a strength training skill. Those who train the strict ring muscle-up will build grip strength, pulling strength, tricep strength, and body awareness. Along...
Featured image for “The Best Tips for Fixing Your Toes To Bar Technique”
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 Gymnastics Skills

The Best Tips for Fixing Your Toes To Bar Technique

The Toes To Bar exercise commonly performed in CrossFit can be a challenging skill for many athletes to develop. It may look simple but the combination of strength and technique required for efficiency is difficult. Understanding toes to bar mechanics will help you improve your technique. For those needing more help with their T2B form, our Toes To Bar Overhaul...

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