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The snatch is the fastest of all weightlifting movements. But, it is also the most mobility demanding exercise. Many athletes struggle with this movement due to their inability to get into good positioning. The following exercises are our favorite to improve your snatch mobility and get you lifting more weight! For a complete program designed to improve your mobility for...
Injury Prevention,
Injury Rehab,
Lower Body,
The Ultimate Guide to Fixing the Squat Butt Wink
The term squat butt wink refers to an athlete’s low back rounding as they reach the bottom position of their squat. Often, this is considered a movement fault as some low back injuries can occur when the low back rounds under heavy loads. If you are dealing with squat butt wink issues, then there few treatment strategies that can help improve your...
Injury Prevention,
Injury Rehab,
Lower Body,
Upper Body,
Ultimate Guide to Improving Your Overhead Squat
You walk into your gym and on the white board there it is…the overhead squat. While a few athletes will be thrilled to see this movement most of us won’t. The combination of mobility, strength, control, and coordination needed for this exercise makes it one of the most difficult for many CrossFit athletes. But there is hope. With the assessments...

Injury Prevention,
Lower Body,
The Best Ankle Dorsiflexion Mobility Exercises
If you are an Olympic weightlifter or CrossFit athlete you know how important ankle mobility is for your performance. When your ankle joint moves well, you can easily hit great positions in your cleans and snatches, and your squat depth will often be limited. When you have poor ankle mobility, you’ll have to fight your own anatomy during workouts, robbing you...
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