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 Thoracic Spine Mobility

Thoracic Spine Strength Exercises

When discussing the thoracic spine (upper back), we often focus on the importance of mobility in this area. Limitations in upper back range of motion can have a huge impact on your overhead mobility, neck pain, and lower back health. But weakness of the thoracic spine is not commonly discussed. But if you are doing front squats, cleans, and deadlifts,...
Featured image for “The Most Common Causes of Shoulder Injuries in the Fitness Athlete”
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 Injury Prevention
 Injury Rehab
 Shoulder Mobility
 Thoracic Spine Mobility

The Most Common Causes of Shoulder Injuries in the Fitness Athlete

With any form of intense training, the occasional injury happens. CrossFit is no exception to this. While research has repeatedly shown that CrossFit injury rates are not higher than other forms of recreational fitness activities, we have seen multiple studies agree that the shoulder is the most commonly injured area. If you are dealing with shoulder pain, understanding the most common causes of CrossFit...
Featured image for “The 8 Best Snatch Mobility Movements”
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 Ankle Mobility
 Hip Mobility
 Shoulder Mobility
 Thoracic Spine Mobility

The 8 Best Snatch Mobility Movements

The snatch is the fastest of all weightlifting movements. But, it is also the most mobility demanding exercise. Many athletes struggle with this movement due to their inability to get into good positioning. The following exercises are our favorite to improve your snatch mobility and get you lifting more weight! For a complete program designed to improve your mobility for...
Featured image for “How to Fix Rib Cage Flare During Overhead Lifting”
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 Injury Prevention
 Injury Rehab
 Shoulder Mobility
 Thoracic Spine Mobility

How to Fix Rib Cage Flare During Overhead Lifting

Rib cage flare during overhead lifting is a common movement fault seen in fitness athletes. While it is not always an issue, quite often it needs to be addressed for better positioning as an athlete moves weight overhead. If you aren’t familiar with the term rib cage flare, it is another name for overextension of the spine. This usually occurs...
Featured image for “The Best Thoracic Spine Mobility Exercises”
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 Thoracic Spine Mobility

The Best Thoracic Spine Mobility Exercises

Thoracic spine mobility is crucial to overhead lifting and mobility and one of the most commonly limited areas in the fitness athletes that I work with. Here are my favorite drills to improve the mobility of the upper back. For a done-for-you thoracic mobility program, check out our Thoracic Mobility Overhaul program that has helped hundreds of athletes unlock their mobility!...
Featured image for “Five Advanced Thoracic Spine Mobility Drills”
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 Injury Prevention
 Injury Rehab
 Thoracic Spine Mobility

Five Advanced Thoracic Spine Mobility Drills

Thoracic spine mobility is vital to optimal performance and execution of the overhead lifts, such as the snatch or overhead squat. But proper mobility requires more than just stretching the joints. It demands active control and stability throughout the full range of motion.  Use the following drills to not only improve your thoracic spine mobility but to help you own your...
Featured image for “Top Five Thoracic Mobility Drills to Improve Your Overhead Pressing”
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 Injury Prevention
 Thoracic Spine Mobility

Top Five Thoracic Mobility Drills to Improve Your Overhead Pressing

Thoracic mobility is one of the most important areas for range of motion in the fitness athlete. The thoracic spine plays a huge role in keeping the shoulders and the lumbar spine working properly, and pain-free. To test thoracic spine mobility, I look at the rotation range of motion in each direction. This lets me know if there is a...