Injury Rehab,
Shoulder Mobility,
The Sleeper Stretch The sleeper stretch is a frequently debated mobility exercise among rehab providers. Some prescribe it regularly, while others criticize it as a potentially dangerous stretch that mimics the Hawkins-Kennedy impingement test position. In my experience teaching physical therapy continuing education courses, those who dislike the sleeper stretch are often either not performing it correctly or using it...
Shoulder Mobility,
Best Exercises for Overhead Mobility
This video will share four of our favorite exercises for improving overhead mobility. So, if you’re struggling with your overhead lifts, handstand work, or gymnastics-based skills on the rig, you want to try these drills out to unlock their shoulders and get them in a better position. Suggested Program: Overhead Mobility Overhaul Best Exercises for Overhead Mobility Transcript Sleeper...
Injury Prevention,
Injury Rehab,
Shoulder Mobility,
Thoracic Spine Mobility,
The Most Common Causes of Shoulder Injuries in the Fitness Athlete
With any form of intense training, the occasional injury happens. CrossFit is no exception to this. While research has repeatedly shown that CrossFit injury rates are not higher than other forms of recreational fitness activities, we have seen multiple studies agree that the shoulder is the most commonly injured area. If you are dealing with shoulder pain, understanding the most common causes of CrossFit...
Ankle Mobility,
Hip Mobility,
Shoulder Mobility,
Thoracic Spine Mobility,
The 8 Best Snatch Mobility Movements
The snatch is the fastest of all weightlifting movements. But, it is also the most mobility demanding exercise. Many athletes struggle with this movement due to their inability to get into good positioning. The following exercises are our favorite to improve your snatch mobility and get you lifting more weight! For a complete program designed to improve your mobility for...
Injury Prevention,
Injury Rehab,
Shoulder Mobility,
Thoracic Spine Mobility,
How to Fix Rib Cage Flare During Overhead Lifting
Rib cage flare during overhead lifting is a common movement fault seen in fitness athletes. While it is not always an issue, quite often it needs to be addressed for better positioning as an athlete moves weight overhead. If you aren’t familiar with the term rib cage flare, it is another name for overextension of the spine. This usually occurs...
Injury Prevention,
Injury Rehab,
Shoulder Mobility,
The Best Shoulder Extension Mobility Drills
I previously published an article on BENCH PRESS MOBILITY. In this article, I outlined several of the key mobility areas to address to allow for proper bench press form. One of those areas was shoulder extension mobility, a commonly overlooked component of shoulder mobility that can impact not only the bench press, but also pushups, dips, and muscle-ups. Since publishing that...
Ankle Mobility,
Injury Prevention,
Shoulder Mobility,
The Best Drills for Improving Positioning In The Snatch
James Tatum joins me this week to discuss improving positioning in the snatch for optimal performance and decreasing excessive strain on the body. James has won three national championships in weightlifting and has extensive knowledge in prepping athletes for maximal strength. I highly recommend checking out his new eBook THE PHYSICALLY PREPARED WEIGHTLIFTER. . For more help improving your mobility,...
Injury Prevention,
Injury Rehab,
Shoulder Mobility,
The 8 Best Drills to Unlock Your Shoulder Mobility
achieving a solid overhead position won’t be possible making overhead pressing, snatches, overhead squats, and efficiency suffer. Far too often, athletes waste time foam rolling and performing band distraction drills that only temporarily improve their range of motion. Then the next day they must repeat the process again, never seeing the long term improvements they want in their performance. The...
Injury Prevention,
Shoulder Mobility,
How to Fix Your Front Rack
The front rack can be a very challenging position for many athletes to get into. And without a solid front rack, the Olympics lifts, front squats, and even overhead pressing become significantly harder to perform. Then, with repeated workouts involving those movements, pain begins to creep in making the rack position even more difficult. Quite often pain begins in an...
Ankle Mobility (9)
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