Injury Rehab,
I am all for women exercising during pregnancy. I have reaped the benefits of exercise through two pregnancies and have seen plenty of patients experience the same benefits. A few of these benefits include decreased musculoskeletal complaints throughout pregnancy, improved body mechanics and posture, prevention of gestational diabetes and preeclampsia, and stress reduction (1, 2, 3). In general, society seems...
Injury Prevention,
Injury Rehab,
How to Return to Exercise after Pregnancy
NOTE: if you are interested in diving deep into exercise after pregnancy, please check out Dr. Sarah Ellis Duvall’s course POST-PARTUM CORRECTIVE EXERCISE SPECIALIST! When we look at postpartum recovery I see two kinds of women at the one-year postpartum mark: one is super fit, athletic and frankly looks like she never had a child (even though she has had...
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