Injury Prevention,
Injury Rehab,
The Truth About Squat Depth Here’s what you need to know Simply said, our Western society has lost the ability to squat. And no, just because you participate in CrossFit doesn’t leave you exempt from this list. You are just as, if not more, likely to be injured during squat emphasized movement than nearly any other athlete. It’s generally accepted that knee...

Injury Prevention,
Thoracic Spine Mobility,
Top Five Thoracic Mobility Drills to Improve Your Overhead Pressing
Thoracic mobility is one of the most important areas for range of motion in the fitness athlete. The thoracic spine plays a huge role in keeping the shoulders and the lumbar spine working properly, and pain-free. To test thoracic spine mobility, I look at the rotation range of motion in each direction. This lets me know if there is a...
Injury Prevention,
Injury Rehab,
Build Your Own Functional Movement Screen FMS Kit
Recently built my own Functional Movement Screen kit after looking at buying a kit and feeling the cost was too high for its’ simplicity. Plus, I’ve seen the plastic version break a few times. I thought I’d share my plans for building a DIY FMS kit for a cheaper and more durable option for performing the Functional Movement Screen. Build...
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